Saunaka, Apastamba, and Bodhayana have also written concerning the use of the Purusha Suktam. The Purusha Suktam is seen earliest in the Rg Veda, as the 90th Suktam of its 10th mandalam, with 16 mantrams.
They are of paramount and equal authority to Sri Vaishnavas. Only two bodies of hymns are recognized as divinely composed. We believe that the Vedas, hymns composed by seers and sages beginning as best as we can date them in BC, were sung under divine inspiration. Sruti - that which is heard - is of the nature of divine revelation. Shaktas are unique in using the Devi Sukta 7. Shaktas use only suktas for Devi, and omit suktas for Deva 6.
Shaivas, Vaishnavas and Smartas use suktas for both Deva and Devi 5. Shaivas, Vaishnavas and Smartas share the Purusha Sukta 4. Shaivas, Vaishnavas and Shaktas share the Bhu Sukta 3.